Client Login
Here are links to the most common websites that my clients access along with summaries and instructions:

Client Logins
Here are links to the most common websites that my clients access along with summaries and instructions:

ALBRIDGE: This is a data aggregator that draws in all your various accounts that I manage into a single page and report. I can setup a report to be e-mailed to you from this site that will show you quarterly performance data. If you wish to be setup with Albridge, then please email or call me and I will send you an “Invite” email that you will need to respond to.

WEALTHSCAPE INVESTOR: This is the login page to access your National Financial accounts that start with either GM2, GMC, or M4R. You can see individual holdings as well as setup electronic delivery of statements, prospectuses, and proxy material. If this is your first time logging in, then simply click the “Register Now” link and follow the instructions. This is also available as an app for most devices.
FIDELITY: Please note that we use Fidelity for our actively managed accounts. If you have a Fidelity retirement account through work or an existing Fidelity account, then you will be able to see any accounts that we manage. However, we do not suggest you login directly to Fidelity to view your accounts because we actively manage the account and we don’t want clients doing any transactions as it would affect our models and management. Therefore, we suggest you view your Fidelity account via the above “Albridge” login.